PA Speaker Series

The PA is continuing our popular Speaker Series in 2022 – 2023 on Zoom.   Every General PA Meeting will feature a different expert speaking on important topics we all care about as parents/guardians of high schoolers. The speaker presentation starts at the conclusion of the General Meeting. Look for more details in the monthly PA Newsletter.

Past history:


2022-2023 Meeting Minutes and and Videos

May 11, 2022

Hunter College admissions rep, Joe Fantozzi, Ithaca College admissions rep, Jessica Kowalewski Dietrich, and Ms. Grande, iSchool college counselor.

Topic: The Changing College Application Landscape

April 13, 2022

Eva Vazquez, LMSW, NYC iSchool Social Worker: The focus of Eva’s presentation was on trauma.

March 9, 2022

Damasa Doyle: Damasa is a Brooklyn-based mom and Health & Wellness Practitioner/Consultant with a focus on trauma sensitive energy release, bodywork, meditation and movement. She is the Family Healing Ambassador from our iSchool community.

February 9, 2022

Dr.  Michael Marshall:  Mental Health and the Transition from Hight School to College – Setting your child up for success.   The talk focused on the potential mental health-related risk factors facing students as they transition to college.

January 12, 2022

Dr. Rivera Mindt:   Gender Identity across  the Spectrum.   Rivera Mindt will speak to parents, from the perspective of a scientist and a parent, on how to talk with and support their teens.

December 8, 2021

Special Speaker: Catherine Turso, iSchool Teacher Financial Literacy for Teens.

November 17, 2021

Special Speaker:  Self Care Through Breath & Expression Workshop with Damasa Doyle 

Damasa Doyle is a Brooklyn based Mom and Health & Wellness Practitioner/Consultant with a focus on trauma sensitive energy release, bodywork, meditation and movement.

October 2021

Everything You Need to Know about College Financial Aid

Financial Aid expert, Matthew Mulhern from College Funding Services spoke with our parent/caregiver community (Introduction provided by our own Director of College Counseling, Kate Beck).

You can view his presentation here.

School Year 2020-2021

Fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion with Teens Take Charge

Breaking the bonds of procrastination with Liz Wolfe

Honoring our need for social connection with Marni Amsellem

College support with Kate Beck

Remote learning support with Courtney Harris