And join the the iGive Community!
As you may know, the NYC iSchool relies on the PA to raise funds to support the enriched learning environment our students experience every day.
Your gift will support pressing needs for our students, faculty and administrators such as:
- Grade-based community building and advisory events at the start of the school year
- Software purchases such as Jupiter Grades and the Naviance Program
- Wishlist items from Teachers to support classroom instruction.
- Funding as needed for modules and after school clubs.
- College readiness materials and events for Juniors and Seniors
- Professional development opportunities for teachers and staff appreciation events
- Hardware and other technology purchases (computers and iPads)
- Support for sports teams and practice space rental
We’re asking you to give what you can—whether it’s $5 or $500—as every dollar helps provide a world-class education to every NYC iSchool student.
Chip in now via PayPal:
Write a check:
If you prefer, write a check made out to NYC iSchool PA, and have your student drop it off with Ms. Tait-Fanor or Ms. Leimsider (to put in the PA Mailbox) or mail it to the Parents Association at:
131 Avenue of the Americas
Fifth Floor
New York, NY 10013
Double your donation:
Many companies have a corporate matching gift program. If yours does, your donation may be doubled at no additional cost to you. Check with your HR department to see if your company will match your tax-deductible donation to the NYC iSchool PA*.
*The NYC iSchool Parents Association, Inc. is a Public Charity, exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code as of March 28, 2013. Our EIN is 46-2510452. Tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.