Who to Ask About What

iSchool student reading to kids

Whether our students are going into the building, working remotely, or a hybrid, it’s important that our families know who to reach out to about various issues and concerns. Here’s a list of key NYC iSchool people to know and how to reach them.

Key iSchool People to Know

Principal Cara Tait-Fanor

Assistant Principal Michelle Leimsider 

Business manager Johnny Lau

Guidance counselor Lizzette Colón

Guidance Counselor Karina Almonte

Social Worker Eva Vazquez

Director of college counseling Kate Beck

Scheduling specialist Evelyn Baracaldo 

Parent Coordinator Angela Rodriguez  

The PA Executive Board [email protected]

SLT chairs Holly Oljalvo & Sue Jaye Johnson

Who to contact about… 

Your child’s schedule

Ms. Baracaldo [email protected] 

Your child’s academic progress and support

Your child’s adviser by email

Guidance counselor Lizzette Colón [email protected] 

Guidance Counselor Karina Almonte [email protected]

Assistant principal Michelle Leimsider [email protected] 

Principal Cara Tait-Fanor

Special education needs

Your child’s special education teacher or Ms. Tait-Fanor

Your child’s emotional well-being

Your child’s adviser by email

Guidance counselor Lizzette Colón [email protected] 

Social Worker Eva Vazquez [email protected] 

Guidance Counselor Karina Almonte [email protected]

Assistant principal Michelle Leimsider [email protected] 

Principal Cara Tait-Fanor

Setting up a meeting with a teacher or administrator

Your child’s adviser or the relevant staff member by email


Mr. Lau [email protected] 


Proof of enrollment: Mr. Lau [email protected]

Transcript: Ms. Leimsider [email protected] 

Working papers: Ms. Rodriguez Angela Rodriguez  

College admissions and counseling

Director of college counseling Kate Beck [email protected] 

Director of college counseling Samantha Grande [email protected]